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  • eramatare

A New School For Us, A New School For Africa!

On the 2nd July, 2021, the Sillgasse Gymnasium is organising a sponsored charity run under the title "A new school for us, a new school for Africa!" About 300 pupils are taking part, and they are all sponsored. We are seeking sponsors for our honoured guest, our neighbour, Trude Kendler, who is 91 years old. She is a former pupil of the Gymnasium, and only last year, had her hip operated on. She aims to complete at least 450m with the children. Together, they want to symbolise:

1) Education is important
2) Equal Rights are important
3) Everyone can contribute, no matter how young or old ...

We would be delighted if you would consider supporting and encouraging Trude with a donation! Both a donation per lap and also a fixed donation independent of the charity run are possible. Please let me know no later than Thursday, 1 July 2021, if and how much, you would like to sponsor Trude. And if you can find further sponsors for her, we would be very grateful on behalf of all the children we would like to support.

Fixed donations can transferred to:

Mag. Sigrid Sadjak

Purpose: Eramatare School Spendenlauf Trude

IBAN: AT08 6000 0000 7710 8605


Tel.: +43 680 311 4744

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