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Teach the Teacher

Our (first!) volunteer teacher Emanuel writes about teaching at the Maasai School Eramatare:

It is not easy to find words to describe what teaching is like here. What I can say is that the students are more than motivated to acquire knowledge. They all WANT to learn English and Maths and they give more than 100 per cent effort to complete the tasks we set them. I am amazed, surprised and very impressed how the two teachers Ibraah and Amani have managed to teach the children so much in 6 months - completely WITHOUT books, worksheets or countless materials as we know it from European schools.

Teaching methods and ways to impart knowledge to the children with fun and games are something completely new for the two teachers. But the few tips I give them, they accept with great joy and also implement them immediately, which in turn makes me happy. Already in my first week I can see the progress of some of the children, which impresses me a lot and fills me with pride.

It is and remains a beautiful adventure, with many challenges.

Tomorrow, Kaira's father has invited us to a wedding that will be celebrated in his boma. He said we will toast together - not with beer or wine, though, but with goat's blood, as the Maasai tradition honours.

Thank you Sigrid for making this adventure and experience possible.

Photos: The children are learning with enthusiasm and the teachers Amani and Ibraah are learning along with them. The use of colours, learning while happily singing songs, a sitting circle, lesson preparation, etc., are all new to the teachers. They feel in their participation that they enjoy this diverse form of teaching. - What we suspected is confirmed: Teacher training is central! May we find more volunteer teachers/musicians/artists to share their skills with our teachers and children!

Photos: At the wedding in the boma. Emanuel did not have to toast with blood ;-) But he was invited to dance, sing and eat with us, which showed him respect and great honour!

Photo: In February, after a long drought, there was a tender, green glimmer of hope. But unfortunately, no more rain came. This is what it looks like in Engaruka when the rainy season fails for the third time in a row. - In the background, next to Emanuel's ear, you can see a boma, the thorn-fenced compound of a Maasai family.

With a donation (password: rice & beans) you can make life easier for the families, because this year's harvest is 100% failed.


We at Eramatare work 100 per cent voluntarily and bear the costs for flights etc. ourselves. All donations* go entirely to the construction of the school and the teaching of the Maasai children! We are happy about your support!

Donation account: Eramatare, Hilfsorganisation für Familien in Tansania AT85 2050 3033 0276 7037 SPIHAT22XXX

*) minus bank fees. There is no way to avoid them

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