Actually, today we just wanted to show Ibraah, our future pre-school English teacher, the school and its surroundings: the future classes and the teachers' accommodation. We wanted to show him the surrounding bomas, where the individual Maasai families live in their mud huts, with the night pens for their animals, enclosed by a thorn fence.
We wanted to show him the silence and the endless expanse. We paint a picture of the currently arid, seemingly deserted landscape, but we paint it green, full of life, with zebras, giraffes, wildebeests and ostriches...
We hand out bananas (instead of sweets!) to the children, who come running. Kaira has brought beans, rice and oil for the mothers.
When passing the waterhole I stop. It was here, last year, 2021, after purchasing the desks for the preschool, that our second, small "project" started - to replace and bury the water pipe that had been destroyed by strong hyena bites. Today, thirteen women and a few children patiently wait, one after the other, to fill up their containers. My mother immediately recognizes from a distance that, at this well-frequented spot, shade-providing trees would be beneficial! Let's do it! Watering seedlings is easy in this place!
I want to take pictures at the waterhole, but the women are reluctant. The mood changes abruptly when Kaira explains who I am. The women greet me warmly, and although I don't understand a word, their joy and enthusiasm warms my heart. They are so, sooooo, sooooo happy for their children and grandchildren that there will soon be a school here! Do I want to take photos?
We show Ibraah the village seven kilometers away, where a weekly market and "restaurants" meet simple needs. We promise that there will be bicycles for the teachers to shorten the journey there.
The next morning, the village leader gives Kaira a list of names of children suggested by the community representatives for the first English preschool class. Preference is given to children from the poorest families.
I interview the next applicant for the teaching position. I let him compose a text, but his knowledge of English, both written and spoken, isn't sufficient, as has been the case with everyone I have interviewed so far. The education system here is awful - so many years of teaching with so little benefit. Well, that's why we do what we do! It just has to improve!
Back at the school, the women surprise me in their festive dress. Yesterday, at the waterhole, they spontaneously decided to bless me and celebrate. As soon as I arrive, a ring is slid on my finger. Soon there will be singing and dancing. As a thank you, Kaira's grandmother gives me a string of pearls that I'm supposed to swing when I participate in their traditional jumping dance. What laughter on both sides! Splendid!
The pearl necklace, the thanks and blessings are due to all of you who share our vision and support us! It is only together that we can open up their and their children's future through education and better opportunities!
May your hearts be filled with joy!